Monday, March 31, 2008

Have you lightened another's load?

So today I was trying to carry a awkward bulky child's play kitchen into Kid 2 kid to sell. I left Emma inside and was struggling to get the whole thing myself. A man who looked to be in his sixties was crossing through the parking lot when he saw me struggling. He came right over and offered his assistance and helped me into the store until I was settled. Then he patted me on the back and said to have a good day. I was very appreciative and squeezed his arm (that's my favorite stranger gesture) and said how much I appreciated it. I wanted to ask him if he has been watching Oprah's Big Give, but then realized that people can do nice things without having to be reminded. Then that made me think.... Have I lightened the load of a stranger today? Have you? My mom's blog has a great post of different service ideas and ways we can make a difference, check it out if you have the time. So here's to that tan stranger man... Thank you for offering your help. I could have done it, would have taken two trips, but to have you offer your service really lightened my day. Thank you!


Jamie Jo said...

I can't get past the part where I wasn't offered the chance at the kitchen first to enjoy the rest of the post! My kids would have loved that. They made Carol get hers out on Sunday and had so much fun. Miss--don't forget me. But that was a good post. I didn't leave my house today, but I washed and PUT AWAY a lot of laundry. And I cleaned my boys bathroom. That's lightening their load. And I think that counts!

Sidney said...

One of my favorite all time commercials is that one that shows people stepping in and helping someone or even saving their life, and then in turn that person returns the good deed.And yes Jamie that counts. Just remember "a time and a season". I never thought the day would come I would actually have time to look out side my home to do service. You're day will come, right now your doing it right, Just keep teaching and loving those kids.

Lindsey said...

If it makes you feel better Jamie I HAD to sell that kitchen so that I could buy her a brand new one from Walmart for only $35. Plus, it was kind of shady. I just bought it off of KSL, keep your eyes posted, you can get them dirt cheap on there if you really want one.

Lee said...

i think most strangers are kinder than not. it's a good reminder though to always be on the lookout- i'm sure it didn't help that you're a beautiful brunette :)

The Poulsen Family said...

Thanks for that post Skeen :) I needed that. Sometimes it's hard for me to do the right thing without complaining but if the roles were reversed I know I'm so grateful for the extra help. It's a great blessing to be able to lighten someone elses load and it's easier to do it with a good attitude. You're awesome!