We already have a baby name picked out and we'll name this baby Lydia DeNae. We've both always loved the name Lydia and DeNae is after my aunt who we both just really cherish. She is the most kind hearted and genuine person. I'm so happy to have her be apart of our children's lives. If we had a boy we would name his middle name Paul after my uncle. They both mean so much to us. They have really supported us and cheered for us ever since we first started dating in 1997 when they first met Ryan. We are so thankful for this chance to expand our family and I'm so excited to have a name to this little bump in my belly.
That is so wonderful that you're having another girl! I know nothing of boys, except what I've learned from Mr. Incredible, but I guess you're in the same boat as me since you have all sisters too. How are you feeling?? Hey I put a picture up on my blog of you back in the old days :) Congrats on the girl and keep us updated!
YAY!!! I'm so excited for you that you are having a girl. And I love DeNae for a middle name! I didn't know you were thinking of that. How fun!
Having spent the evening with Paul and DeNae, I can verify that they are both tickled pink. Now Emma will certainly not have to spend her life without a sister. Yahoo!!!
Of course you already know we are way excited for you guys to be having another little girly!!!
I love the pictures you posted of your home, you have such a knack for decorating... I love love love Emma's new bog girl room I think that is my new favorite room in your house. It is like pulling teeth just to get Darren to paint a simple wall so he sends props out to Bundy for doing that paint job in there.
How exciting!! I'm so excited for you! And Lydia DeNae is such a cute name! YAY!
I am so happy about little Lydia! Is it wrong to kinda hope she is bald?
congrats on the girl! That will be so awesome for Emma to have a friend. And that is also good you dont have to buy anything new (although it was really fun to see blue in the house after all of makenzie's pink).
You need to post a belly pic!
oh how exciting. I love having two girls. Just what i wanted. Now that i have London i am ready for a boy next but i am scared still. They are sooo different than girls and more dirty heheh Love your house...so cute.I need you to come decorate ours when we buy one when dillon graduates!! So are you putting Emma in a different room? Is she still in a crib or something? How are you feeling? I want to see pics of the belly.
Hooray Linny! I got your text and was so excited for you. Just perfect! Lydia is a great name and I love that she will be named after DeNae. We hope we get to see you sometime soon. If you can't come out here maybe we will meet up in Az! Congrats again!
P.S. I must say that I drink more cold water now that we live in Cal. But I was always cold in Utah so why would I drink cold water! ;)
Congrats!! That is way fun! I was just going through Hannahs clothes wishing I could use them for our next one! Emma will be a great big sis!!
Love the name! We are so happy for you guys! We are ready to party anytime...Logan would be fun!
ok to answer your question that i forgot to in my last comment is the transition has not been bad at all. Much more easier than i thought it would be. I think its MOSTLY because Sydney turned 3 three weeks after London was born so she was pretty much out of that baby stage. She is potty trained, has been in a big girl bed for months now and she can do soooo much on her own and play on her own. If she was younger than i think it would be harder cause she gets easier the older she gets. Not that she cant have her moments and she did get jealous at first when i had to feed the baby and couldn't play with her but that doesn't happen too often anymore and she has never shown mean signs to London. The only thing she will say is to put the baby down and hold her...hehe The hardest thing is TIME!! Before when sydney would take a nap i had the whole time to myself and now I have sydney to make meals and help and do whatever for her so i just have to make sure i make the MOST of London's naps and really get the important things done. I think you will find its going to be easy cause you know what to expect and you have been used to getting no sleep for the last 3 years ha! So whats another couple of years of being sleep deprived, at least thats how i feel. You will do great. I'll stop blabbering!!
congrats that is super exciting! yea for girls!
How fun! I'm so happy for you!
Congrat's on the girl. I can't imagine what my girls would have done without sisters. We missed you at our little luncheon. Sure was fun to visit with the Skeen girls.
That's wonderful. Love the name you guys picked out.
CONGRATULATIONS!! You guys are such wonderful parents, little Lydia is a lucky girl! PS(I LOVE that name!)
Congratulations! I haven't checked your blog for a while so I had no idea that you were that far along already! Gotta love little girls!!!
That's great news! So happy for you guys.
I don't know if you have heard or not, but Ksenia and I had a son. Lucas is just over a month old now. Ksenia's Blog has pictures and what not. Ryan was completely correct, having kids is the best.
Wow, can I really be the 20th commenter on this thing. So happy for you. Every little girl needs a sister and NO TWO girls are alike. Amen to that. It's a good thing you've bought so many cute clothes, think of all the money you'll save. You'll practically MAKE money by having a girl. That's a line from Bride Wars.
jeez- have some comments- you know I would have commented sooner if I could have :) you also know how thrilled I am that you're following in my footsteps. . . so far. Just get yourself prepared for a BOY next OK?
Yea! I am so happy for you to have two girls too! That is so fun and you will definitely be able to reuse everything. And I love that you're naming her after DeNae, how special is that! We would love to see you when you're down here...I don't have a zoo pass anymore, but if you wanted to check out the children's museum we have a pass to there. Just let me know your plans and we'd be glad to get to see your cute family!
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