Monday, February 7, 2011

"Hold you!"

On Tuesdays I volunteer in Emma's pre-school. I LOVE her curriculum and I love that they say the Pledge of Allegiance every day.

Wednesday Emma had Addi over all day and I was able to work on my little Valentine's magnet project.
Ryan has been loving the Hunger Games series. I love a man who will read!

My friend Holly brought me these as a thank you for watching her daughter Lily, ummm, yeah, can you see how flat the bag is? This is how I spent my Friday, eating these all day long!

Emma rocking the shortie hairstyle!

Lydia's big thing right now is "Hold you." She likes to sit on my lap or be as close to me as possible. I adore it MOST of the time :)

I'm not actually trying to potty train Lydia, she's only 18 months, but the girl knows what she wants. It's rare that anything actually happens on the potty, but she sure loves to try :)


Valerie: said...

i had to do a double take looking at emma cause her hair is so short. it is just as cute though!! So cute lydia likes to sit on the potty. Maybe she can come over and help London cause that child is stubborn and i dont think she will be potty trained by the time the baby comes...grrr

Kylee said...

I really do love Emma's hair. I think it's really cute on her. I'm glad Ryan is reading the Hunger Games series, maybe we can go to the midnight showing when it come out!! jk. But we really should go at some point. It's not even coming out for another year, so I should probably stop planning. I bet Lydia will be easy to potty train. That's so nice!

Jessica said...

I love love Lydia's face on the toilet. Priceless. And I think it's great that you are putting her on the potty if she is showing any kind of interest, even if she doesn't actually go. We had a little girl in the baby school who was completely potty trained by about 20 or 21 months. So it could happen! :) I love those magnets you made! I also love how you always have something new that you are making. I need to learn your ways (and my moms) and be more crafty. We missed you guys yesterday, we were sad we were not able to come. Hopefully we'll see you guys soon!

JaNae said...

I also ate my fair share of peanut butter m&m's today. . .no good. I cannot believe how funny that picture of Lydia on the toilet is! Seriously, was that posed? Anywho, cute kids.

Lee said...

Yes, Lydia's grunting face is a gem. Love it. Emma is darling still- just to reiterate. . . :)

Unknown said...

Oh my heck, I love Lydia's face on the toilet!!! lol!! So cute and way to capture it! Haha! That'll be a good picture for future boyfriends some day! haha!

tutus n bowties said...

I dig peanut butter m&ms. They are my biggest weakness in the sugar department. Nick and Tina just visited and brought a bag with them... needless to say I had my far share. They last two pics are so funny! What a character.